Childhood, there is an unmatched purity that dwells in it and it is present everywhere, every day and in every school. Ironically, this unbridled spontaneity is what makes school a challenge for some students and more so for an immigrant student. Immigrant students have their challenges in a classroom all over the world. From issues of name calling to food habits and culture in general, the student has a mountain to climb. Brainworks-Total is aware of these intricacies, that might hinder a student’s progress and has therefore a policy in place, which aims at ensuring immigrant students with a safe and secure environment- one that is free from any sort of fear and conducive to learning.
Aim and Scope
* To ensure that the school exemplifies to its community, the idea of inclusivity and instills in them the idea of equity with regard to speech, attitude, ability/opportunity and general behaviour towards students of immigrant origin.
* To ensure that students unlearn misconceptions and stereotypes that bind and negate perspectives. The school understands diversity as a resource and not a liability.
* Our qualified and experienced teachers along with our well trained staff are always at hand to assist with integration and assimilation for immigrant students.
* The school seeks to bridge any cultural and linguistic gap through cooperation with parents, language classes and initial guidance with food and cultural appropriation.