Term 2 begins soon—secure a place for your child today. Enrolling through August.

The Best Begins Here

Admissions to Brainworks International School

Admission is the First Step to Reaching Your Student’s Full Potential

As a high quality international school, admission to Brainworks is highly competitive. Student acceptance is based upon age requirements, recommendations, and placement testing.


Whether your student is just entering preschool or a few years along in their education, we’ll determine the program they qualify for.


We’ll help your student find the right level for them with placement testing.


When it’s time to enroll, we’ll guide you through the documentation process.


Ages and Grade Levels at Brainworks

Pre-school (Play Way) Classes: 2 – 6 Years Old

Primary Classes: 6-13 Years Old (Students must be 6 years of age as of 30th June to be eligible for admission at Primary 1.)

Secondary Classes: Secondary education is for students aged 12-19 years.

WISE Classes (Weekend Integrated School for English): Preparatory, Primary and Lower Secondary Levels

Age Requirements

Age requirements are driven by the target age for graduation at IGCSE levels of 16 years old and “A” levels at 18 years. Candidates who will be more than 21 years old at the completion of “A” levels examinations will not be accepted.

Age requirements must be met. Developmental age norms are preferable, however, target maximum age limits will be carefully considered as a guideline for admission.

Timing of Admissions

New admissions to the school occur in May and June through placement testing. Late admissions are considered only under exceptional circumstances, most often in the case of new arrivals to the country and/or the city.


  • All prospective students must sit for English, Mathematics and Science placement exams for all levels. English oral fluency (Listening/Speaking) is critical. A prospective student scoring at 70% or above on each examination is considered prepared for admission. At 60%, additional testing may be required.
  • Additional testing in Myanmar language may be required.
  • Additional testing in Chinese language is required for admission to Chinese classes.
  • Additional testing in German language is required for admission to German classes.
  • Direct admission to Primary-6 and Secondary-2 will not be considered, unless under exceptional circumferences, as this is the preparatory year for the Cambridge Primary Checkpoint Examination and Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint Examinations, respectively.
  • Direct admission to Secondary-4 and Secondary-6 will not be considered, unless under exceptional circumferences, as this is the preparatory year for the Cambridge IGCSE and A Level Examinations, respectively.
Skipping or Jumping Levels
Students 1 year or greater beyond development norms may be able to skip or jump levels.

After at least one year attending our school, students may sit for the placement test if they meet the Jumpers’ criteria below.

The following shows the levels allowed to skip for the students:
  • Primary 1 to Primary 3
  • Primary 3 to Primary 5
  • Primary 4 to Primary 6
  • Primary 6 to Secondary 2

Jumpers’ Criteria

Potential candidates for jumping’ or ‘skipping’ a level must meet the following criteria:

  1. Attain A* in all major subjects (Mathematics, English and Science).
  2. Receive the recommendation of their Classroom Teacher and their Head of School.
  3. Age/Maturity are in the line with target age range for the targeted class level.

Note: Grade skipping puts social and emotional pressure on children who may lack the maturity of their older classmates.

Students who have attended 2 years of Brainworks Preschool and are enrolled in the Primary Preparatory Program are expected to continue into the primary school at Primary 1 with the approval/recommendation of their school’s Head of School/ Head of Academics (HOS/HOA).

Students who have attended 1 year of Brainworks Preschool are expected to take either kindergarten graduation examination or placement test before admittance to the primary level.

Key Dates

Placement Test for New Students

Date: 3rd week of May
Place: Thingangyun Campus
Placement Test for Jumpers

Date: Last week of May
Place: Thingangyun Campus


Please visit our front office to understand our school systems. Once you are comfortable, please fill in our application form and attach copies of the following items to the application form, including:

  • Child birth certificate
  • Passport/ National Registration Identity Card
  • Visa page (in case of international students)
  • Proof of educational history, up-to-date academic and personnel records and a recommendation from the previous school attended (in case of Primary and Secondary admissions)
  • Proof of medical declaration form


The above documents are required for school admission and are utilized in the enrollment process.

If a student is eligible to enroll in Brainworks-Total Group of Schools, the student will fill in and sign the following application form during the enrollment process.


School rules and regulations should be reviewed.

A copy of the Student Code of Conduct and any rules and regulations unique to the campus will be provided. After the parent/guardian signs the Behavior Code Acknowledgment Form that is kept as part of the student’s cumulative folder, the student is now officially enrolled.

Contact our Deans of Admissions

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Have a question? Contact Us! We will try to answer you within the next 24 hours.
