Term 2 begins soon—secure a place for your child today. Enrolling through August.


“Throughout my academic career, I have been a student at this esteemed institution, from my early education to my A-level studies, amounting to a period of 15 years. The school has become a second home to me, and its influence on my personal and academic growth has been significant. Its provision of valuable resources and guidance from experienced educators and peers have been instrumental in shaping my development into the independent individual I am today.”


Pursuing Finance at Queen’s University(Belfast-UK)

Brainworks-Total Alum

Brainworks is the only place that I have ever been in and holds a strong place in my heart. The teachers and staff have really helped me not only with my studies but also as a person. The friendliness in the school makes it a safe community and I have never felt judged. It is safe to say that I wouldn’t be where I am today without the help of Brainworks.


Pursuing International Relations at University of London

Brainworks-Total Alum

Brainworks-Total taught me academic and social skills for a higher educational context. It helped me develop life skills. Brainworks gave me lifelong friends, amazing teachers, and memories. It is a special place and totally worth it.


Pursuing Politics and International Relations at University of London

Brainworks-Total Alum

Civil Engineering at University of Technology,Sydney

I have a balanced academic and social life at university thanks to the environment and support structure of Brianworks. Practical engineering requires hours of lab-work and activities, but I don’t feel any strain. My time at school has prepared me to adapt to new cultural settings and I am so grateful for that.


Pursuing Civil Engineering at University of Technology(Sydney)

Brainworks-Total Alum

I have been admitted into Asia Pacific University in Japan with a tuition reduction scholarship of 80%. Brainworks school has provided me with the tools to succeed in my applications and interviews due to their excellent curriculum. I always have something worth showing whether it’s academics or extracurricular activities and that plays a tremendous part in my success.



Pursuing Social Science at Asia Pacific University (Japan)

Brainworks-Total Alum

I critically assess policies, case studies, and theories for my inter-disciplinary degree in Education, Policy, and International Development. I manage my heavy duty essay workload, thanks to the resilience that I have developed through high school. I travel, meet new friends, and learn something new every day!



Pursuing Education,Policy and International Development at University of Cambridge

Brainworks-Total Alum

“I still remember my daughter’s first day of pre-school at Brainworks Total School. The teachers taught her how to be independent and self-manage her belongings. My child’s engagement every year with role playing, drama, presentations, projects and countless more activities has given me enough insight about the school’s teaching methodologies. Brainworks has taught my kids to learn and collaborate instead of competing and comparing. We trust the school and took the advice of the teachers which helped shape a responsible daughter that I am proud of. I see the values and ethos of the school in my daughter’s personality.” Thanks to Brainworks, I am a proud parent today that my daughter is currently studying in Asia’s most prestigious university, Peking University.”


Father of May Thu Htet (class of 22) – Founder and CEO of Aung Gyi Group of Companies

Primary 1 is our son’s 4th year at school. His enthusiasm delights us. He can use online tools to answer his questions without our help. He eagerly explains ideas like his teacher. He likes science and can explain how days and nights are made using scientific terms, which I found amazing since I learned these only in Grade 5. Brainworks has taught my kids to learn and collaborate instead of competing and comparing. We trust the school and took the advice of the teachers which helped shape a responsible daughter that I am proud of. I see the values and ethos of the school in my daughter’s personality.” Thanks to Brainworks, I am a proud parent today that my daughter is currently studying in Asia’s most prestigious university, Peking University.”


Mother of Thuta Lin Thant

BrainWorks school has everything I want for my kid and more. I’m sure I made the right choice. The curriculum at brainworks is designed to foster mental and physical development, as well as to enhance critical thinking skills. As a parent, I observe my son’s academic and life skills progress and have been pleased with how far he has come. Brainworks has taught my kids to learn and collaborate instead of competing and comparing. We trust the school and took the advice of the teachers which helped shape a responsible daughter that I am proud of. I see the values and ethos of the school in my daughter’s personality.” Thanks to Brainworks, I am a proud parent today that my daughter is currently studying in Asia’s most prestigious university, Peking University.”


Mother of S. Tristan Tun Min

I am thankful that the school develops the social,emotional, academic and intellectual growth of my child. I can see my child’s progress every day in all aspects. My appreciation to all the teachers and the school management for providing all the wonderful facilities ,the support and love to my kid. Brainworks has taught my kids to learn and collaborate instead of competing and comparing. We trust the school and took the advice of the teachers which helped shape a responsible daughter that I am proud of. I see the values and ethos of the school in my daughter’s personality.” Thanks to Brainworks, I am a proud parent today that my daughter is currently studying in Asia’s most prestigious university, Peking University.”


Mother of Stavit Shasma

My daughter has been a student at BrainWorks School since age three, and we’ve been impressed with her academic and life-skill growth. She is in Primary 1, her critical thinking and conceptual skills are way beyond her levels and have exceeded our expectations!


Father of Myel Htarwarah

When my child had to change schools, I felt very anxious. We were warmly greeted by BrainWorks School. They explained ways to help my child to become successful in his studies and at the same time enjoy his schooling. I’ve never had such great care before. Every day, my child looks forward to going to school.


Mother of Thyun Nay Yaung

I have enrolled both my grand children at Brainworks since they were three years old, I have always had faith in the services, facilities and teaching methods of Brainworks.


Grandma of Lynn Htet Aung and Su Hnin Wai

Brainworks’ curriculum has greatly improved my child. His language has improved and he can confidently discuss many topics. He enjoys going to school and preparing for the IGCSEs now. We are happy and content with the services and education that Brainworks offers.


Mother of Bhone Hter Kyaw Zin Oo

I’m happy with my child’s progress in discipline, communication, and self-confidence. They enjoy learning because the school supports their hobbies and skills. I am completely satisfied and happy as a parent.


Mother of Linn Thant and Su Hnin Hset

It was indeed a magical moment for me when I noticed my child had begun preparing his powerpoint presentation. Despite his age, he can create appealing visuals, which makes me proud. I am grateful for Ryan’s education and have complete faith in Brainworks International School and the Brainworks Academic Team.


Mother of Ryan Chan