Term 2 begins soon—secure a place for your child today. Enrolling through August.

Attendance and Punctuality Policy

It is a known fact that the educational value offered by Brainworks-Total is among the best in the country. Consequently, it would be a waste of an opportunity if one were to miss out, on the joyous learnings that happen, in the everyday life of a Brainworks student. With that in mind the schools aims to promote consistency with attendance. If you keep practicing a sport consistently enough, you will soon get better at it, to the best of your potential. This applies to school education as well. Research has shown, that students with higher attendance rates through their school years are more likely to graduate, and achieve more- than their counterparts with lower attendance.
We implore students and parents not to undervalue the importance of a healthy attendance. The implications of missing classes go beyond statistical grades and figures. The learning time blocks in a student’s life is subject to the school and cannot be replicated to the same value.
Aims & Objectives
The Attendance Policy is in place to encourage consistency in attendance and thereby ensure that the inclusiveness offered by the school is valued. The Attendance Policy applies to all students at Brainworks-Total group of schools.
* To promote maximum student participation.
* To inculcate in students a sense of ownership and responsibility for their actions.
* To instill in students an understanding of punctuality and its depth.
* To celebrate good/improved attendance and to raise awareness of healthy/unhealthy attendance among parents, guardians and students.
* To ensure that all policies, academic and administrative mechanisms are in place and functioning to make for a secure and happy learning place for children to want to come to school every day.
* To ensure that parents/guardians receive a report of their child/ward’s attendance every term and address prolonged absenteeism if any.
Responsibility of Parents/Guardians
It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility:
* To ensure that children are in time for school.
* To ensure that children are collected at the earliest at the end of a school day. In case of any change in the timing or arrangement of collection on a given day, the class teacher and the school office should be notified before any such pick up.\
It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility:
* To notify the school of the absence prior to the date of absence if possible or on the very first day of absence itself. The school can be notified through a telephone call or an email or even in person.
* The school has set a minimum of 95% attendance as the requirement for any progression. A total of 9 days of absence in an academic year is permitted, given that the reasons are valid. This means that the school should be informed of all leaves of absence well in advance. Parents must provide documentation (medical or otherwise)for absences exceeding the given number of permitted days of absence.
* To write a note in the student’s diary explaining the absence, on the day of return to school.
* To provide a document of medical evidence upon return to the school, in case of a prolonged absence due to any illness or medical condition. The school will automatically request for a medical documentation for any illness absence taken immediately before or after a school holiday.
* To ensure that medical appointments are prioritized for timings outside of the school’s working hours.
Authorized Absences – are morning or afternoon sessions away from school for a genuine reason such as illness (you may be asked to provide medical evidence for your child before this can be authorized), medical or dental appointments which unavoidably fall in school time, emergencies or other unavoidable cause.
Unauthorized Absences -are those which the school does not consider reasonable and for which ‘leave’ has not been grantedThese include but are not limited to:
* Family trips/day trips during school working days or right before/after any given holiday.
* Birthday celebrations of student or family member/relative.
* Shopping.